Coty Consultancy

Exit Management

Exit management is a process that assists business owners or shareholders in planning and executing a strategy that helps them in maximizing sales proceeds.

Our exit management services can help you stay prepared and agile in the face of big strategic business decisions, allowing you to find the best potential acquirer.

We work alongside you to ensure all stranded costs and prerequisite concerns are settled in a timely manner, allowing the management team to focus on day-to-day operations. Our team has witnessed first-hand the success of consultancy services, which enable company owners to secure the best terms, structure, and offering for their business.

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Strategy Development
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Draft Teaser
  • Build Financial Model
  • Support in Drafting Information Memorandum
  • Support in Other Fundraising Documents
  • Develop a Market Map of Strategic Partners
  • Establishment of VDR
Strategy Execution
  • Support in Management Presentation
  • Internal Management Considerations on Strategic Decisions
  • DD Support To Investors
Transaction Execution
  • Final Due Diligence Report
  • Legal Documentation Through Third Party
  • Management Considerations on Structure and Compliance
  • Final Negotiations & Closing
  • Post Closure Streamlining